Root Canal Treatment Aldershot

Root Canal Treatment in Aldershot, Burlington
Despite the technological advancements in modern dentistry, wincing can still be a common reaction to hearing the terms root canal. Although the root canal procedure itself has remained the same, the methods in which endodontists perform the treatment have advanced to allow greater precision and efficiency – with far less discomfort for the patient. The treatment is performed under a highly magnifying advanced microscope. With additional education in Root Canal Therapy, Dr. Rasha Alshibani and her team at Aldershot Village Dental are highly skilled at performing root canal treatments. If you are experiencing any sensitivity or pain when eating hot or cold food or biting too forcefully, don’t let the pain and discomfort intensify – contact us today to schedule an appointment.

What Is Root Canal Treatment
When a tooth becomes infected due to bacteria in the nerve of the root, a favorable solution is root canal therapy. Root Canal Therapy involves the removal of the necrotic nerve tissue, thoroughly cleaning the canal, and replacing the nerve with a synthetic medical grade material. After which a permanent filling will be placed to restore your tooth to its previous structure before the final stage of crowning to give your tooth the maximum protection from further damage.
Contact Us Today and Address Your Discomfort
We understand the unpleasant reputation root canal treatment still has on many people. Aldershot Village Dental has a highly skilled team to alleviate any fear you may have of the procedure. We’ll ensure you are comfortable throughout every step of the process and are diligent in making it as painless as possible. It is important to act quickly if you are experiencing any issues. Toothache is not normal, and infection can worsen and turn into abscesses and spread to other parts of the mouth. Contact us today to address your discomfort and to save the remaining integrity of your tooth.