Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep Apnea & Snoring Treatment in Aldershot
Snoring is part of the spectrum of sleep-disordered breathing that may be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, not all patients who snore have clinically significant sleep apnea, however, Complications of undiagnosed & untreated obstructive sleep apnea can include cardiovascular changes such as hypertension, ventricular dysfunction, or pulmonary hypertension & Excessive Daytime Sleepiness. To determine the proper intervention required to reduce these complications, patients should receive a polysomnogram, either on an outpatient (“home” study) basis or in a sleep laboratory with a technician in attendance. A physician diagnosis is needed to rule out other causes of sleep apnea & determine whether a dental device can reduce snoring that happens due to an oral/jaw obstruction which can also be screened in the routine Dental exam when retruded jaw &/or enlarged tongue is a factor in causing the obstructive Sleep Apnea.
About Snoring!
Snoring is the result of a partial blocked airway during sleep, one of the causes could be the oral soft tissues collapsing backwards during sleep against the back of the throat, which causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Proper Diagnosis by a physician of the causes is essential to manage the obstruction. At Aldershot Village Dental, we screen our patients from early age to prevent & manage oral obstructions of their airway.
Oral related Obstruction of airway can be treated using a custom oral appliance to keep the airways open. Dr. Rasha custom fits you with your oral appliance that ensure the forward positioning of your lower jaw and tongue , dilating airway to allow easier breathing and reduced or eliminated snoring , after having custom fitting , the impression will be sent to an experienced sleep lab that make the appliance which can also monitor the reduction of OSA & enhanced quality of sleep .

Oral Appliance Therapy for Comfortable, Effective Sleep Apnea Treatment
Patients who snore due to an oropharyngeal obstruction can greatly benefit from the use of a customized dental appliance during sleep when the lower jaw is retruded or the tongue is proportionally too large that it blocks the airway when sleeping. The most commonly used appliances are mandibular advancement devices (MAD), which increase airway diameter with soft tissue displacement achieved by mandibular protrusion & prevent upper airway collapse, thus altering the jaw and tongue position leading to reduced snoring & a better night sleep.

How Effective Is Oral Appliance Therapy?
Oral Appliance Therapy is effective in patients who suffer from mild to moderate obstructive sleep Apnea.
Stop Your Snoring!
Snoring can not only disrupt your sleep, but it can also keep your significant other awake, which can put stress on your relationship. Snoring is the sound of a blocked airway during sleep as a result of the soft tissues in the back of the throat falling against the back of the throat, which causes these soft tissues to vibrate.
Snoring can be easily treated using an oral appliance to keep the airways open. Dr. Rasha custom fits you with your oral appliance, you pop it in at night, and no more snoring!
To make an appointment, call 905-333-3400